でもそんなこんなで、せっかく作ったチラシなども上がったものを確認して終わりのことが多くきちんと保管していなかったから、いざアップしようと思ったら載せるものがなくて困りました・・・(そもそもそんなにないから余計に・・・)。という訳で、Coming soonと言いながら一ヶ月以上もかかってしまったのですが、Works and Designsにデザインの過去制作例をアップしておきましたので、よかったら見てみて下さいね。
あ、でも一つだけ・・・内容にもよりますが、基本的には最低締切の2ヶ月以上前にご連絡下さい。場合によっては他の締切と重なってしまったり、そうでなくともそれなりに時間はかかるものなので・・・よろしくお願いします :)
I designed the tenugui towels (above) for Mr. Shinohachi Tatekawa, a rakugo performer for this year again. They are different color variations of my past design in 2013 with some adjustments and changes, but I'm glad they came out in good colors and saw many people buying them :)
It's interesting that every time a design work is done and released to a public, I almost forget the fact that I was playing a part of it. Maybe for one thing, I am too exhausted to look at the product by the time it's out (as I've been looking at it over and over and over... and OVER!!), but another thing is that unlike creating artwork solely by myself, there're more than two brains working together for one project, so I am more at ease, knowing it's well discussed and confirmed to its best.
It's really a different feeling from giving away my artwork. For me, selling an artwork is a more sensitive action every time (though not many yet). Each artwork is my child and I have a memory I spent with it, so maybe that's why…
Anyways, I finally added some images for the Design section at Works and Designs, so if there's anything I can help you with your design idea, please let me know! But in any case, please give me at least 2 months prior to the deadlines, as I may have multiple projects, and designing for me take a lot of time…